Australian Genomics Evidence Summary: Research Ethics and Governance
Haas M, Mattiske T, Boughtwood T, for Australian Genomics (October 2019).
October 20, 2019
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Clinical Genomics: Investigating perceptions of unmet need in Australia....
Best S, Collins F, White S, Krause M, Mirkovic N, for the National Diagnostic &...
August 18, 2019
Our story is your story too: Australian Genomics research...
Editor: Illing D, on behalf of Australian Genomics (2019). Writers: Furze A, Munro E, Reddy M, Stanton...
August 17, 2019
A national clinical genomic consent process: Development of standardised...
Prepared by Boughtwood T on behalf of the National Clinical Genomic Consent Working Group, Australian...
December 1, 2018
GA4GH 6th Plenary Meeting Report
Prepared by the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health. (2018)
October 5, 2018
Perspectives of Education Providers on Education & Training Needs...
Janinski M, McClaren B, Nisselle A, Dunlop K, Prichard Z, Terrill T & Metcalfe S...
July 1, 2018
Genomic data & privacy law: a summary of a...
Belcher A, Hass M, Grewal N & Newson A, for the Australian Genomics Evaluation, Policy...
May 5, 2018
Professional Status Survey of Genetic Counsellors and Clinical Geneticists
Nisselle A, Macciocca I, Mackenzie F, Dunlop K, Metcalfe S & Gaff C, for the...
May 3, 2018
A landscape analysis: genomics in the community
Lewit-Mendes M, Pereira K, Dunlop K, Terril B, Boughtwood T and Genomics in the Community...
May 1, 2018